A spiritual journey to fearless and free singing for women


  • Creating your singing rituals as a feminine path to embodiment.

  • How to activate your soul sound so you fall in love with (and trust) your voice.  

  • Regulating your nervous system with your voice.

  • How to use subtle muscle movements to access the full power of your natural voice.

  • A new capacity for speaking your desires and your boundaries so you can call in your dream collaborators. 


  • Monthly live call: Includes a guided voice practice, throat chakra healing and individual vocal coaching within a safe group context. Live Circles are 1x per month on a Sunday from 11am - 1pm ET. The calendar is updated 2-3 months in advance.

  • Monthly vocal training video with guided practices for you to do at home.

  • Study guides and workbooks to support your singing rituals.

  • Online forum to receive additional support and connect with community.


  • Soul Sound Activation mini-course (👈🏻 This is the foundation of my signature Soul Sound Method™!)

  • Feminine embodiment practices to support your singing.

  • Pre-recorded energy healings so you can be fearless sharing your voice.


A spiritual journey to fearless and free singing for women

$333 for 5 months

You were born to sing.

But maybe you were told as a child you couldn’t.
Or maybe, like me, you were told you were told you had a lovely voice.

But then your perfectionistic tendencies twisted this praise into a constant pressure to measure up to the expectation of your “talent.”

The problem is, there’s a lot of vocal training out there that teaches you how to make your voice sound a certain way. 
And while in some contexts - like if you want to be an Opera Singer - this may be helpful, most often this training creates unnecessary tension.  

Whether you have previous vocal training or not, you may have found yourself struggling to make a “desired” sound… 

… a sound you thought was wanted.

… a sound you thought was worthy.

… a sound you were made to believe is the ONLY beautiful sound.

In striving to achieve this “ideal” sound, you got disconnected from YOUR TRUE VOICE.

Perhaps your training made you feel that somehow your voice is not enough. So you learned to push and strain for the sound you believed was most wanted.

Cue the frustration, tension, vocal fatigue, insecurity, fear and doubt.

You worry about singing in tune.

You worry about your voice cracking when you go for that high note.

You feel like you can’t get volume without it hurting.

You feel like you will never be good enough to get that solo in your community choir let alone sing in that hot new band that’s hiring.

Or maybe you just feel “stuck.”

Like there is something lodged in your throat keeping you from the ease and freedom you long to feel when you sing…


A spiritual journey to fearless and free singing for women

$333 for 5 months

I get it. I’ve been there.

I spent my adolescence through mid-twenties judging my voice and struggling to fit into the box of Opera, Jazz and Musical theater.  

I felt constant frustration and shame about the sound of my voice.

I dealt with chronic vocal tension and fatigue.

I felt like no matter how much I practiced, I would never be good enough.

But then, a traumatic event and a mysterious mystery illness landed me in bed for 6 months. I was so physically weak I could barely  sing. I had to go back to basics:

Feeling my body.

Feeling my emotions.

In stillness, I listened and waited….until one day…

My soul sound was revealed.

When I activated my soul sound everything changed.

The places in my range that had always felt stuck began to open easily.

I got free from the chronic tension.

I began to love my sound.

Singing felt nourishing, joyful, free.

My voice healed me - not just emotionally but physically. As my confidence in my voice grew, my body became strong again.

When I went back to recording albums and singing onstage, my previously debilitating stagefright was gone and I felt connected to my audience like never before.

My audience began to grow rapidly as a result.

If you’re new to me…

I’m Emma Back.

I am a singer, songwriter, violinist, music producer, energy healer, teacher, mentor, guide. 

I am here to be  your doula as you gestate and birth your soul sound and unleash your wild feminine voice.

I have helped thousands of women become fearless and free singing and sharing their voices. Many of my students go on to have long-term, successful careers as singers, songwriters, music producers and music teachers. They also experience extraordinary breakthroughs in their relationships as a result of activating their soul sound.

Here’s what my students are saying:

“There is a wildness and freedom in my voice I’ve never heard before.”

- CaLa Joi Ma’at

"Emma has pulled the deep raw truth out of me and it has transformed my music. This has been life-changing!”

- Karaleigh

"I shifted my sense of self worth and knowing that I have something of value to offer.”

- Lexi

"This course blew my mind. In giving myself permission, I’ve found a lot of self-compassion in many areas in my life.”

- Monica


A spiritual journey to fearless and free singing for women

$333 for 5 months

When you activate your soul sound you discover how to use your unique instrument with more ease and more freedom. 

You expand your tone.

You can suddenly reach those high notes you thought were out of range.

That spot you used to judge and try to cover up becomes a favorite part of your sound.

Instead of singing being a source of insecurity…. 
Your voice becomes the vessel to embody your feminine power.

Your singing rituals help you regulate your nervous system and heal the wars within.

You not only fall in love with your sound, you access the truth of your worthiness on all levels, embracing, with love, your whole self.


A spiritual journey to fearless and free singing for women

$333 for 5 months